Rev. Fr. Ranjan Priyadarshana
Birthday : 1981/06/23.
Mother : Jane Beatrice Mebal Fonseka.
Father : Anthony Seetus Demian Fernando.
Parish of Pitipana
Studied Pitipana MV.
Entered St. Aloysius' Minor Seminary in 1996 Jan 14.
Intermediate Seminary Kalutara.
Major Seminary Ampitiya Kandy.
Ordained in 2011 May 7.
Assistant Parish Priest
2011-2013 St. Sebastian's Church Moratuwa.
2013-2015 St. Sebastian's Shrine Kandana.
2015-2016 St.Lucia's Cathedral Kotahena.
2016 - 2018 National Basilica of Our Lady of Lanka Tewatte.
Parish Priest
2018-2022 St. Michael's Church Nagoda.